Sunday, August 2, 2009

Theatre Pro Rata
Loading Dock Theatre
St Paul, MN
April 2007- May 2007
Director Zach Morgan
Coustume Designer Carin Bratlie
Lightening Designer Stephanie Drinkard

There's a lesson here about the cruelty that's inherent in stifling expression. Yet you're likely going to walk away from this Theatre Pro Rata production without really finding it. (Fans of the script—or mature individuals in need of a little more pain—might refer to the 2000 film version, starring Geoffrey Rush.) Raney is effective as the craven administrator, and Benston applies a sharp mercenary tone. But Henriksen fails to convey the way that the Abbe absorbs both de Sade's abusive streak and the exhilarating rush that accompanies it. And Chambers doesn't entirely suggest the philosopher beneath the pervert. The blood flows, the ladies blush, but it's hard to see the point by the end.
Quinton Skinner, City Pages

May 9th 2007

The intersection between art, profanity and the influence both have on the reader lie at the heart of Doug Wright's Quills. His tale of the Marquis de Sade and the lengths his jailers would go to silence him get an intriguing if frustrating reading from Theatre Pro Rata. While the staging and overall direction of the production are first rate, a couple of weak performances threaten to unweave the uncomfortable spell created by the script.

Ed Huyck, Talkin' Broadway Regional News & Reviews

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